The Prison Epistles
Sun, Oct 13, 2013
The Apostle Paul, from prison, is encouraging the Philippian believers to be united in the Spirit; but what do you do when you run into or are the subject of strife or Spirit-quenching drama within the church? Our tendency is to murmur and complain, or run and retaliate...the answer is to go to the cross where we have sinned or sins have been committed against us and repent and or forgive, and see the grace and love of Jesus cover that situation. We are called as Christians to "work out what God is working in us."
2 Samuel
Wed, Oct 09, 2013
Sun, Oct 06, 2013
Duration:45 mins
What makes you "right" with God? Is it your devotional time, your witnessing hours, your volunteer projects, your financial offerings, or any good works? If it is anything than the blood bought grace of God, then it is no righteousness at all. God-centered, gospel-based righteousness is purely and fully founded on the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This reality will make you unashamed, unstoppable, and un-afraid!
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