2013 Ladies Retreat
Fri, Oct 04, 2013
Ladies' Retreat 2013.
The Prison Epistles
Sun, Sep 22, 2013
Join Pastor Ben Hiwale for one of the most familiar but misunderstood portions of scripture in Phil. 1:21. "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is grain." Spiritual growth doesn't come to us on rainbows and glittering unicorns, it comes to us through trials, pain, and suffering. Only Christ is worth living for and dyeing for...how about you?
Sun, Sep 15, 2013
The greatest privilege a Christian can have is to come before the King of the Universe, King Jesus. He has all power, all authority, and all ability.He invites us to come and as we come He meets us powerfully. Be encouraged by Pastor Ray as he kicks off a prayer week at Koinonia with this encouraging word!
The Prison Epistles
Sun, Sep 08, 2013
Join Pastor Ray Viola for a deep word on motives and the Sovereignty of God. Why do we serve Jesus? Is it for recognition or the fame of the Lord? The way we are noticed or unnoticed is a great indicator. God's refinement has a way of showing us our hearts, may all that is seen be for the glory of HIS great Name!
Sun, Sep 01, 2013
The broken body and shed blood of Jesus has been given to all believers through the finished work of the cross. The communion ceremony is ours, whenever we need it, to observe that broken body and shed blood. Just as Israel ate all of the lamb and there were none feeble among their tribes (Psalm 105:37b), we have His body, broken for us (Mark 14:22), and we have His blood as our justification (Romans 5:9). Partake of Holy Communion as often as you like, observing that Jesus bore your suffering so that you could bear His health.
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