The Prison Epistles
Sun, Mar 10, 2013
"Join Pastor Ray Viola for an introduction to Paul's prison epistles as we look at having a "heavenly perspective. Suffering, trials, tribulation, and tough times hit us all, but how do we look at those things? Through our own understanding or God's perspective? God has called us to holiness, not happiness. Be encouraged by this word!"
Sun, Mar 03, 2013
The Prophet Habakkuk learns an eternal truth as The Lord tells him that, "the just shall live by faith." In the midst of impending national judgment, God reminds Habakkuk of His eternal, amazing, and faithful power. Habakkuk would now have to choose to rejoice is a choice, its not a feeling. Looking back at God's faithfulness will help you look forward to faith.
Pastor Ben Hiwale
Sun, Mar 03, 2013
"Where is your hope? Many people will lean the ladder of their life upon religion, relationships, carnality or careers, but the hope we trust in will only be as good as the one who backs it up. Everything in this world will fall...only the hope won by Christ and wrought by Christ can be trusted and will endure. Move your ladder today...lean on the cross...lean on Christ!"
Pastor Ben Hiwale
Sun, Feb 24, 2013
What foundation have you built your life on? What lies have you believed, what hurt are you harboring, what will happen to your foundation when the storms of life beat upon your foundation? Will you stand or will you fall? Find the answer to these questions as Pastor Ben Hiwale closes out Jesus' Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 7:24-29.
The Beatitudes
Sun, Feb 17, 2013
Jesus said the world would know that we were Disciples of His, by our love, John 13:35, but why do so many who claim the Name of Jesus use scripture as loopholes to make excuses for their sin. If we "know Jesus," and He "knows us,: then their will be a recognition of fruit and a realization of Lordship. Join Pastor Ben Hiwale for this encouraging word!
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