Chapter 3

Sun, Oct 02, 2016
Duration:30 mins 15 secs
What an exciting scene we have before us today for our Lord’s Day, Lord’s Supper bible study!
Sun, Jan 03, 2016
Duration:39 mins 26 secs
Today we begin the year 2016 by observing The Lord’s Supper. We begin this New Year by remembering the perfect sacrifice that Jesus Christ paid for the forgiveness of our sin and the salvation of our souls. In today’s text from Zechariah 3:1-5, in a typical courtroom setting, Satan, identified as the accuser of the brethren in Revelation 12:10, is seen accusing Joshua the high priest before God, only to be rebuked by The Lord Himself.

Chapter 4

2013 Advent Series
Sun, Dec 29, 2013
What challenges are you facing today? What future fears do you have? Are there mountains looming over you? There is only one way to endure, advance, and overcome these things in our lives.... Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord. Our strength is not found in our abilities, finances, or intellectual is found in the power of the Spirit. Be encouraged by this end of the year message from Pastor Ray Viola, and be changed!

Chapter 9

Christmas Series
Sun, Dec 04, 2016
Duration:43 mins 55 secs
Our Redeemer Jesus is also revealed in Scripture as our glorious King! But unlike earthly kings who step onto the scene as mortal men for a short period of time and die, Jesus is the Everlasting King.
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