Chapter 1

2012 Advent Series
Sun, Dec 02, 2012
Come Let Us Adore Him There is much controversy and confusion when it comes to the true identity of Jesus. Society, scholars, skeptics, and even religious groups all have a different description of who Jesus is. In many cases people try and steal His identity and make Him into somebody other than what the Bible declares Him to be. What does scripture say about Jesus, and what can we conclude from His own words and the canon of scripture and prophecy? May the real Jesus stand up!
Christmas Series
Sun, Dec 18, 2016
Duration:39 mins 20 secs
In a sense that's what God did 2,000 years ago. As part of His eternal plan, He stepped out of heaven and became a man so you and I could look at Jesus and say, “That's what God looks like.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Sun, Mar 02, 2014
Duration:43 mins 46 secs
One of the most familiar passages in the Bible to Christians and non-Christians is John 3:16. God loved rebellious man so much that He gave His Son to die for them and give them eternal life.This truth is more than factual, it is eternal and when believed upon in the heart of a repentant person becomes supernatural. Join Pastor Ray Viola for this refreshing word at our Sun AM communion service.
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