Christmas Eve 2012
Lu 2:1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus (the nephew and heir of Julius Caesar, the first of the Roman emperors); that all the world (Roman world) should be taxed (lit. a census). 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
- Augustus was a title given to the Roman rulers which is equivalent to our President. According to Roman polytheistic beliefs, these rulers were believed to be the incarnation of god on earth.
- The census or registration of the people was taken by Augustus, but the actual collecting of the tax based on that census was not carried out till the time of Cyrenius. Cyrenius reigned at two times, both B.C. and after His birth as well.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) 5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
- You know what men thought of Nazareth. Thirty years later Nathanael laughed, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”
- It was the Jewish custom to enroll by tribes and families. Joseph was of the family of David, and would have to be enrolled where that family had been given it’s inheritance.
- Espoused. This espousal is like our engagement period. Engagement in the first century Jewish society was taken quite seriously. From the moment of engagement the woman was treated as if actually married and the relationship could only be dissolved by a writ of divorce. Unfaithfulness was considered adultery. The couple did not consummate marriage until the wedding celebration and the man took her to his home.
- Keep in mind that Mary and Joseph were living in Nazareth, which is about 80-100 miles away from Bethlehem.
- And keep in mind ladies that Mary is at least 8 months pregnant and riding on a donkey over the rocky terrain when she and Joseph make this journey.
- It has been said that the people who are the closest to the Lord, are usually the ones who are the most inconvenienced! Following Jesus can be described in many ways, but convenient is not one of them. When the cause of Christ inconveniences you or your schedule, do you get mad at God, or do you surrender to His purposes?
- An unwed, pregnant mother was a reproach in Israel at this time. No doubt Joseph and Mary’s relationship was under heavy attack and suspicion, especially since they are saying that God is The Father of Mary’s Child, and this Child is going to be The Savior of mankind!
- Remember that the religious leaders one time said to Jesus that He was born out of wedlock, out of fornication.
We see in the events surrounding the birth of Jesus the will of man and the sovereignty of God united, for in actuality, the decree of Caesar was made to fulfill the decree of Jehovah that Jesus should be born in Bethlehem. Caesar may have been ruling, but God was overruling! Prov 21.1
- Little did Mary and Joseph realize that in simple obedience to the decree of this pagan ruler, they would in reality position themselves to be in the very city where the prophet Micah said approximately 700 hundred of years earlier that The Messiah would be born. The fact that Jesus was born in Bethlehem was no accident.
- Bethlehem by the way means "house of bread." It was the Jewish name for the old Canaanite village of Ephrath. It was marked by Micah as the birthplace of Messiah (Mic 5:2). Jesus declared, I Am The Bread of Life.
- It is interesting that when Herod asks the religious scholars where the Messiah would be born, they pointed him to the Scripture in Micah, but they didn’t know The Lord personally.
- Herod, like the orthodox religious leaders of Jesus day were people that were hostile towards Jesus because He was a threat to their position and lifestyle. They both set out to kill Jesus.
- This Incarnation teaches us that despite the disturbing stuff that what we read or hear about in the News, The God of The Bible is in control of the affairs and events on planet earth, and it is He, not man, that will have the final say!
6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
- The Bible doesn’t tell us the exact date that Jesus was born. The early Christians made no record of the date of Christ's birth; we find no mention of December 25 earlier than the fourth century.
- The Eastern Church celebrated Christ's birth by a feast called Epiphany, which means "manifestation." They chose January 6 as the date for this feast, for they reasoned that if the first Adam was born on the sixth day of creation, the second Adam must have been born on the sixth day of the year.
- The Western church began to celebrate Christ's birth on the 25th of December in the 4th century in replacement of the pagan winter solstice festival of saturnalia, which is still being celebrated today.
- Many people are unaware that there are two parallel events going on this weekend...
- For some, it is a religious holiday that coincides with the winter equinox and songs about snow and winter, with the main figure Santa Claus who knows everything about you, and has a sleigh and reindeer that fly....neither of which has anything to do with the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ.
- For others, today it is the celebration of the birth of The Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Which one are you celebrating today my friend?
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, (She was her own OBGYN, she is between 14-16 years old)....she probably gave birth to our Lord in some dimly lit alley on a cold dark night.
- Gabriel had said to Mary nine months earlier, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you. . . Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. And behold you will conceive in your womb, and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus” (Luke 1:28-31). Mary said wait a minute! “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” (v. 34). Literally, “a man I know not.” The virgin birth was necessary to provide a sinless Savior, fully God yet fully man.
- What an awesome woman Mary was....what great faith and trust in God she had. She was a young woman who had preserved the purity of her body. God’s moral standard is still purity. Have you ever pondered what this world would be like if Mary had listened to either the devil or the voice of the world and had an abortion?
- Think of our world without the influence of The Lord Jesus Christ? Remove Jesus and all of the fruit related to His life and His gospel and what are we left with?
- No virgin birth…no forgiveness of sin! Our world would be quite different if Jesus never was born.
- But Jesus was indeed born, and His Incarnation is the proclamation of Scripture....1Tim 3.16, Great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh....Jn 1.1 In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God....1.14 And The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.
- The term firstborn implies that Mary was subsequently the mother of other children. The names of Jesus’ half-brothers are mentioned in Matthew 13:55, and reference is made to his sisters in v. 56. These were the other children that Mary and Joseph had as a result of normal human relations after the birth of Jesus. Jesus was Mary’s firstborn, but He was The Only Begotten of The Father.
and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn (the inn was the known as the cataluma as in the city of Acco....a wide open enclosure for cattle surrounded by rooms).
- The new-born Jewish child was washed in water, rubbed with salt, and then wrapped in bands or blankets. Jesus left the world the same way that He was born, in a stone grave, wrapped in burial clothes.
- This manger was more accurately the feeding trough of beasts of burden, it wasn’t a wooden cradle filled with hay, it was a stone box or sarcovogus where the baby would be wrapped in blankets. Jesus was not born into the lap of luxury.
- When the Lord stooped from Divine glory to take upon Him humanity, He stooped to its most lowly estate. He was born into abject poverty. Jesus not only took upon Himself the form of a man, He took upon Himself the form of a servant.
- You and I would tend to feel uncomfortable approaching a Savior reared in the lap of luxury. Had Jesus been born in a palace, the shepherds we will talk about in a moment would not have had access to Him. But, He was born in poverty and in humble surroundings in order to reveal that Jesus is approachable to the common man.
Note that there was no room for Jesus in the inn.
- The innkeeper was a person that typifies those who are indifferent to Jesus. Indifferent to Who He is, what He taught....and because of that, sad to say, there are homes and hearts where there is no room for Jesus because it is too crowded with other things. They like a Savior Who gives gifts, but not a Lord Who rules their lives.
- There are hearts that never welcome Jesus, not because of hatred toward Him, but simply because their hearts are already overcrowded with thoughts of riches, honor, prestige, pleasure, business affairs, etc. No room. No time to reflect on His will, no desire to go out of their way to do what will please Him. They want a folk religion that is convenient and full of superstition, but not too serious and please no commitment. Make it convenient and easy in my fast paced world, but please no more obligations in my hectic schedule. Maybe some other day, but not today.
- As I said a moment ago, there are millions of homes that celebrate a religious holiday this weekend, but to talk about Jesus and the purpose for His coming is a sore subject....perhaps even frowned upon or even forbidden. Some people even say that to be a born again Christian is a different religion.
- The Incarnation is the declaration that Jesus Christ came to this earth for one specific die for sinners....He came to deliver us from the power of darkness and give us new life....a living hope...true peace....forgiveness. Jesus came to this earth to set the captives religion can do that!
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
- These were men who were responsible for watching over flocks of sheep. The work was dirty and hard. It required the men to be away from home for long periods of time as they searched for places to graze their flocks. They were often crude, vile men, known for their sinful lives and evil ways. Shepherds were often considered ceremonially unclean because of the duties their occupation required of them. Also their work prevented them from regular attendance at the Temple where they could be cleansed. As a result, these men were considered the lowest of the low. Of course, it may have been these very men who tended the lambs that would one day be used in the temple sacrifices. Yet, it was these men that heard the glad tidings first. It was these men who received the message of peace from the angel of the Lord.
- They were in the fields guarding their flocks from robbers and wild beasts, and to keep them from straying.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them,
- The life of Jesus is filled with the manifestation of angels. An angel announces the conception of Jesus [Lu 1:28-37]; a host of angels publish his birth [Lu 2:13,14]; in his temptation an angel strengthens him [Mr 1:13]; in his agony an angel comforts him [Lu 22:43]; at his resurrection an angel rolls away the stone from the door of the sepulcher [Mt 28:2]; at his ascension the angels attend him up to heaven [Ac 1:10]; and at his second coming to judge the world he shall be "revealed from heaven with his mighty angels" [2Th 1:7].
and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
- The Shechinah, or bright cloud, which symbolizes the divine presence (Ex 24:16; 1Ki 8:10; Isa 6:1-3; Ro 9:4). It was seen by the three apostles upon the mount of transfiguration (Mt 17:5), by Stephen (Ac 7:55), and by Paul (Ac 22:6-11).
- J.B. Phillips translation reads, the splendor of the Lord blazed round them. These shepherds were encompassed by the glory of God!
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
- Note that the gospel, good tidings, of Jesus Christ is for all race is excluded...Jesus came to bless and give life to the human race.
- Overwhelmed by the presence of God, the angel tells these lowly shepherds to Fear not- Think about those words from the lips of the angel. The gospel brings great joy to all people, especially to all who receive it.
Perhaps today, you have come to church today just like you have done for years, but like the shepherds in that field 2,000 years ago, today is have sensed the presence of risen The Lord Jesus as we were worshipping Him have sensed His love in His people....the message is touching your heart....what does all of that mean? He is waiting for you to invite Him into your heart!
- Re 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
- Ro 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11 For unto you is born (Born as a gift to us Joh 3:16; Isa 9.6,7) this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
- "Messiah" is the Hebrew and "Christ" is the Greek for our English word "anointed." Prophets, priests, and kings were anointed. Jesus held all these three offices.
- Note that Jesus’ titles are Savior and Lord. His titles imply that mankind needs a Savior and Lord. These titles reveal how you and I are to relate to Jesus.
- The word “Lord” (kurios) is used here for Yahweh of the Old Testament. The Anointed One is also the embodiment of God, undiminished deity as Paul tells us, “For in Him all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form” (Col. 2:9).
- The celebration of the Incarnation is eternally connected with His Lordship in my life, your life.
- It is one thing to say that Jesus is Savior and Lord, but it is another thing to live a life that reflects The Lordship of Jesus Christ.
- Jesus asked this question to a multitude of people. Why do you call Me Lord, Lord, but do not the things that I say?
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
- If you were in charge with the birth of Jesus Christ, what kind of arrangements would you have made? Led by His star, these shepherds would travel to Bethlehem and find Jesus lying in an animal feeding trough. We have cleaned this scene up a bit to make it more commercial.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
- When a Jewish father had a son born to him they brought out the band and the local musicians gathered at the father’s home and greeted him with music. When the heavenly Father’s Son became flesh He gathered His celestial choir and they sang songs of praise to Him. The angels of heaven sang songs for Jesus when there were no earthly singers to sing. The heavenly Father is celebrating that night in Bethlehem.
- One of the many titles in Scripture ascribed to Deity is "God of Sabaoth" which literally means, God of hosts or multitude.
- Peace and good will can only come to those who bow their hearts to The Lord Jesus Christ. Only in Christ is there peace, and that peace is not as the world gives. It must begin in the heart...the new birth begins in the heart.
- Jesus is The Prince of Peace to all that call upon His Name. Do not mistake knowing about Jesus historically, with having a personal relationship with Him on a daily basis. To know about Him historically is information; to know Him personally is regeneration.
We mentioned 3 typical reactions to Jesus in our study tonight (1) Herod/hostile (2) Innkeeper/indifferent. (3) shepherds/worship and great joy!
- Which one are you...are you angry at what you have heard today? Are you indifferent to what you have heard today? Or is the message of the birth and Lordship of Jesus Christ a source of great joy to you today?
The wise men in Matthew’s gospel saw His star and sought The Lord....wise men still seek Him....they bowed their hearts to The Lord Jesus before they gave their gifts to Him.....Jesus came to be The King of your heart today....your Lord....
- Ro 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
- The birth of Jesus points to one tree....Calvary....and one empty tomb on Resurrection Sunday....and one glorious return to this earth... Re 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True....16 KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
- You may enjoy hearing the Christmas story and you may love Christmas time, but you have missed the real meaning altogether if you have never trusted Jesus as your Savior. Until you have received the Lamb of God as your personal Savior and until you know the power of His salvation, you will never really understand Christmas and the wonder of what God did when He provided His Lamb for the sins of the world.
- Will you embrace Heaven’s Lamb as the Savior of your soul? The Lamb was provided for you, but He will do you no good unless you come to Him. Will you receive Him tonight as your Lord?