Our Singing Stronghold
What remarkable truths are found in God’s Word concerning His care for His children! Our main passages of our study this morning tell us that our God is not only our Stronghold in the day of trouble (Nahum 1:7), but that He also actually rejoices over us with joy (Zephaniah 3:17). Meditate on that last sentence for a moment. Let the truth of God saturate the very depths of your soul. Hear those truths in light of the context of the current circumstances in your life.
Thank God that we have a Stronghold for the times of trouble. The Proverbs declare that The Name of The Lord is a strong and mighty tower, the righteous run into it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). But Zephaniah reminds us that The God Who is in our midst is mighty, and that He rejoices over us with singing. Incredible! I do not know about you, but in my times of trouble, I rarely think of Jesus rejoicing over me with singing because I am one of His sheep.
Beloved, cultivate the truth of Jesus being our Singing Stronghold. We may be troubled, but He is not. We may not feel like singing, but He is. As we come to The Lord’s Supper this morning, may we come with a renewed assurance of Christ’s presence, power, and saving grace. Selah