Mon, Jun 20, 2016
Duration:33 mins 26 secs
Father’s Day conjures up all kinds of thoughts
and emotions, some good, some bad. I am sure that every father
reading this devotional is aware of his own shortcomings. There are
no perfect fathers on earth because there are no perfect descendants
from Adam. The only perfect Father is Our Father Who art in
heaven (Matthew 6:9)! Nevertheless, the very concept of fatherhood
is a theological one that stems from the biblical revelation of the
fatherhood of God.
Sun, Jun 12, 2016
Duration:38 mins 33 secs
Of course, we know that church attendance does not save us. But there is a casual and borderline “take it or leave it” mindset about The Lord’s Day that is begetting other compromises which are having devastating consequences on the impact of the church in this fallen world system. May God give us ears to hear His Spirit today.
Thu, Jun 09, 2016
Duration:51 mins 20 secs
Mon, Jun 06, 2016
Duration:50 mins 51 secs
Mon, Jun 06, 2016
Duration:41 mins 4 secs
May The Lord of glory, The Lord Jesus Christ open our hearts and minds to see our glorious Savior for Who He truly is.
Thu, Jun 02, 2016
Duration:48 mins 55 secs
Special Guest speaker
Sun, May 29, 2016
Duration:46 mins 2 secs
Paul uses the doctrine of the resurrection of the body to motivate the body of Christ to be steadfast, unmovable and abounding in the work of The Lord.
Thu, May 26, 2016
Duration:53 mins 9 secs
Mon, May 23, 2016
Duration:34 mins 38 secs
This morning’s study will focus on the nature of the resurrection of the body. There was a lot of confusion surrounding the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. There were those who were asking the question, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?” Maybe that is a question that some of you have asked yourself.
Sun, May 15, 2016
Duration:41 mins 29 secs
Because there is the resurrection, life is more than just biological existence.