Chapter 2

Being Secure and Certain
Mon, Oct 27, 2014
Duration:40 mins 58 secs
Are you secure in Christ? Do you know the love of the Father? How can you know? The Apostle John gives us 3 tests to see whether or not we know Christ or simply know "about Him." Whatever commands our time, energy, and resources commands us..that is our "God." What is it for you? Is it "worldliness" or worship of the One true God, the Lord Jesus Christ? Heart issues can only be addressed by the One who made our hearts and knows our hearts...King Jesus.

Chapter 5

Sun, Aug 06, 2017
Duration:42 mins 46 secs
Victory in Jesus One of the Apostle John’s favorite phrases is “born of God”. That phrase of course speaks of the new birth. Jesus told a very devout and religious man that unless he was born again, he would neither see nor enter into the kingdom of God (John 3:1-5). John, writing under the inspiration of The Holy Ghost, writes important fundamental truths regarding Christian doctrine and practical Christian living. Many world religions believe that Jesus is the Christ within the context of their belief system. But only the sacred, God-breathed writing of Scripture identifies Jesus Christ as God born of a virgin (Matthew 1:18), the spotless (1 Peter 1:19) “Lamb of God, Who taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). By grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, those who call upon Him as Lord are given a new heart and the gift of eternal life. Believers are transformed from a life of despair, to a life of victory, for “this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4) This victory in Jesus is not a life of sinless perfection, but a life of growth in grace and in the knowledge of God. This victory in Jesus is not a life that is regulated or bound by the chains of manmade rules, rituals and regulations, but a life of fellowship with The Lord in The Spirit, with the overflow being a life of loving sacrifice for the glory of our Master, Jesus Christ. Reader, have you been born of God? Call upon The Name of The Lord Jesus today, “for whosoever shall call upon The Name of The Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
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