4-Fold Vision

4-Fold Vision
Sep 2014 - Mar 2015

The 4-fold vision that has driven every single thing that Koinonia Fellowship church is about and has done by the grace of God since The Lord planted it in December 15th, 1984 is this:

  • To know Christ
  • To grow in Christ
  • To proclaim Christ
  • To bring God glory

Sermons in this series

4-Fold Vision
Sun, Mar 29, 2015
Duration:51 mins 5 secs
Fellowship is an investment that you and I are called to make in one another’s lives for the glory of God. In one sense, life in the body of Christ is like banking and farming. You get out of your church life whatever you invest in it. You reap out of your church life whatever seeds you sow.
4-Fold Vision
Mon, Sep 29, 2014
Duration:43 mins 56 secs
We conclude our series on the 4 fold vision statement of Koinonia Fellowship with the last point being glorify Christ. Our vision statement is to Know Christ, Grow in Christ, Proclaim Christ and bring Him glory. Actually, glorifying Christ is the foundation of anything and everything that we do as Christians, both inside and outside of the walls of the church building.
4-Fold Vision
Mon, Sep 22, 2014
Duration:44 mins 46 secs
In part 3 of the Vision Series, Pastor Ray Viola shares on what it means to proclaim Christ. The Great Commission spoken of by Jesus in Mark 16:15 is not a "suggestion," it is a command to go in His Name The most powerful testimony of Jesus Christ is when our walk and our talk give glory and honor to Christ.
4-Fold Vision
Sun, Sep 14, 2014
Duration:37 mins 1 sec
God calls each and every one of us to be “Body Builders”. That is what this 2nd part of our church vision statement this morning is about. Growing in Christ.
4-Fold Vision
Sun, Sep 07, 2014
Duration:35 mins 42 secs
Knowing Christ is the foundation of our faith. Jesus Christ is The Solid Rock of our salvation. Every believer has the assurance that salvation is a free gift from God and is received by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, apart from works lest any man should boast. Knowing Christ and passionately seeking Him is what eternal life is.
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