Sun, Aug 28, 2016
Duration:37 mins 13 secs
How do we bear someone’s burdens? Bearing someone’s burdens can be taking a meal to a sick person, or driving them to the doctor, or something as simple as praying for that person. Prayer is so
powerful and it is often the best thing we can do for someone who has a burden too heavy to bear alone. When we bear the burdens of our friends, we have to use discernment because even though we bear their burdens, we don’t take them from them.
Sun, Aug 21, 2016
Duration:35 mins 47 secs
So as we explore this subject of exhorting one another, we will
quickly see that we will find ourselves at various times to be on
both the giving and receiving ends of this important aspect of
becoming a disciple of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Sun, Aug 14, 2016
Duration:27 mins 35 secs
A unified, effectual, fervent-praying church is
the most powerful conduit that unleashes God’s power, presence
and peace among His people.
Lord Jesus, teach us to pray.
Sun, Aug 07, 2016
Duration:34 mins 41 secs
Most people in the body of Christ find the one another to forgive the most challenging of all. When we are hurt or wounded by others, our natural inclination is to “get even”. How are we to respond to the pain, sorrow, and wounds that have been afflicted upon us by others? It is of no surprise…
Sun, Jul 31, 2016
Duration:45 mins 57 secs
Ever feel the pointing finger of judgment? What was your response? What does ungodly judgment do to an individual, family, local church, or community? Have you been guilty of ungodly judgment?
Did you notice the results? Did you like the results? Our text today describes how not to judge and how to judge. If we judge with godly judgment, abundant life results in any circumstance. If we judge with ungodly judgment, then ruin is the result.
Sun, Jul 17, 2016
Duration:48 mins 17 secs
Our faith in The Lord Jesus Christ is a relational faith. It is a relation that is first and foremost with God. But it is also a relation with one another.