Messages with tag - gospel

Sun, Mar 02, 2014
Duration:43 mins 46 secs
One of the most familiar passages in the Bible to Christians and non-Christians is John 3:16. God loved rebellious man so much that He gave His Son to die for them and give them eternal life.This truth is more than factual, it is eternal and when believed upon in the heart of a repentant person becomes supernatural. Join Pastor Ray Viola for this refreshing word at our Sun AM communion service.
Youth Group Studies from Luke
Wed, Mar 28, 2012
What are the "glad tidings" Jesus came to proclaim> And what role did woman play in the ministry of Jesus and the scriptures?
Youth Group Studies from Luke
Wed, Mar 28, 2012
What are the "glad tidings" Jesus came to proclaim> And what role did woman play in the ministry of Jesus and the scriptures?
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