Sun, Jan 19, 2014
Diving deep into theological waters with eternal implications, Pastor Ray Viola shares from Eph. 1:3-5 and asks -who chooses who in salvation- With God's sovereignty and man's responsibility, what does the Bible say about election and predestination? This truth will set you free from the extremes that plague the church today on both sides of this debate.
Sun, Jan 12, 2014
Join Pastor Ray Viola from Koinonia Fellowship for our introduction to the Book of Ephesians.Paul, called to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ starts this epistle with grace and will scale the heights of theological mountains and the pastures of practical daily Christian life as we proceed in this incredible book. Take comfort and courage in God's love and care for your life before you ever knew Him!
Sun, Jan 05, 2014
In a very private and personal letter,the Apostle Paul writes to the beloved Philemon to receive back a runaway slave, Onesimus, who had since come to faith in Christ. Reminding Philemon of his debt to Paul and seeking the same grace for this fugitive, Paul paint a grand picture of rescuing grace and the debt we owe Jesus which we could never pay back. Grace reminds us that salvation is all from, about, and in Jesus Christ who still sets the captives free and pays our sin debt which we could never pay.
2013 Advent Series
Sun, Dec 29, 2013
What challenges are you facing today? What future fears do you have? Are there mountains looming over you? There is only one way to endure, advance, and overcome these things in our lives.... Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord. Our strength is not found in our abilities, finances, or intellectual sharpness...it is found in the power of the Spirit. Be encouraged by this end of the year message from Pastor Ray Viola, and be changed!
2013 Advent Series
Sun, Dec 22, 2013
Have you drunk the living water yet? Are you still searching for that missing link in your life? Our souls crave spiritual satisfaction and the only remedy for the dryness within is Jesus Christ, the fountain of living water. There are many wells and fountains that people will drink from and go to, but they all leave us thirsty, parched, and broken. Jesus in John 4, meets a woman with a long line of broken relationships and sin, and reveals Himself as the Savior. In Christ, you will never thirst again!
2013 Advent Series
Sun, Dec 15, 2013
Continuing in our Christmas Series, Pastor Ray Viola shares from John 10 as Jesus reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd comforts, cares for, and corrects His sheep. Are you one of His sheep? Do you hear His voice calling you? Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and He lays down His life for our sins, as King and Savior!
2013 Advent Series
Sun, Dec 08, 2013
In our 2nd Christmas series message, Pastor Ray Viola shares from the scriptures that Jesus is our Great High Priest. He stands for us to the Father and because of His blood, we have access to the Father, and forgiveness of sins. How do you pay for your sins? Is it your works, your religious affiliation, or the grace of God? Trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross as your sacrifice and Great High Priest!
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