Messages with tag - Holy Spirit

The Prison Epistles
Sun, Aug 31, 2014
Duration:46 mins 52 secs
How do we respond to being wronged? Do we seek retribution, restitution, justice? In this passage of scripture a former slave, Onesimus, while on the run for theft from his master, Philemon, runs into the Apostle Paul and comes to faith in Christ. With this personal letter from Paul, we see the gospel of reconciliation and restoration on display. As much as we have been wronged, we have never been wronged as much as we have wronged Christ.
Sun, Mar 30, 2014
Duration:42 mins 36 secs
As we continue through the Ephesian series, Pastor Ray Viola teaches through an important lesson for the church. In Christ, He has torn down the division between Jews and Gentiles; He has, through His blood broken down the ethnic and racial lines that this broken world draws and dictates. Jesus Christ is the Prince of peace and the Chief Cornerstone!
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