Chapter 6

Mon, Mar 16, 2015
Duration:47 mins 50 secs
As Christians, we are free to live in the fullness of life. Love for God frees us to love others truly and happily. Let us freely sow love that we and all the world may harvest that true and bounteous life which is God’s gift in Jesus.
One Another Series
Sun, Aug 28, 2016
Duration:37 mins 13 secs
How do we bear someone’s burdens? Bearing someone’s burdens can be taking a meal to a sick person, or driving them to the doctor, or something as simple as praying for that person. Prayer is so powerful and it is often the best thing we can do for someone who has a burden too heavy to bear alone. When we bear the burdens of our friends, we have to use discernment because even though we bear their burdens, we don’t take them from them.
Sun, Mar 22, 2015
Duration:45 mins
One of the most loved hymns of the church is the old rugged cross. The chorus says, "So I'll cherish the old rugged cross, til my trophies at last I lay down. I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it someday for a crown." Oh how true! The cross meant everything to Paul. It was not only the place where Jesus bore his sin debt. It was the place where he died with Jesus to religion, self, and the false glamour of this fallen world system.
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