Chapter 4

Sun, Jun 08, 2014
Duration:37 mins 27 secs
Knowing what Christ has done for you, enables you to walk in a worthy way. Theology without practically and loving obedience is hypocrisy. In Christ we are called to put off the old man and put on the new man and walk in a way which honors the Lord. How is your walk? What do you need to put on or put off?
Wed, Aug 10, 2011
Pastor Ray Dick from Bradenton, Florida shares with us from Ephesians 4 on Forgiveness.
Sun, May 18, 2014
Duration:42 mins 24 secs
What is the one thing that potentially could destroy the Church? truth be told...CHRISTIANS! While Jjesus said the "gates of hell would not prevail against His Church," sometimes Christians do the most damage to its body through the self-harm of dis-unity. In these scriptures, the Apostle Paul wants the Ephesian Church to live in the axiom of belief and behavior, doctrine and duty, and theology and practicality. TO lean on one side or the other is an imbalance that destroys the Church and our witness to the world.
Sun, May 25, 2014
Duration:40 mins 35 secs
Why does Jesus give gifts to the His Church? Is it for our own personal enjoyment? Paul say NO! The gifts Jesus gives are for God's glory, for the building up of the Church, to unite us, to mature us, and to be rooted in love. Be encouraged by this truth as we dig deep into the word of God.
One Another Series
Sun, Aug 07, 2016
Duration:34 mins 41 secs
Most people in the body of Christ find the one another to forgive the most challenging of all. When we are hurt or wounded by others, our natural inclination is to “get even”. How are we to respond to the pain, sorrow, and wounds that have been afflicted upon us by others? It is of no surprise…
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