
Sun, Aug 03, 2014
Duration:27 mins 11 secs
One of the most comforting and assuring attributes of God is His faithfulness. Difficult times and crushing situations can overwhelm us all and hard times are no respecter of persons. In those days of difficulty and despair, remember the faithfulness of God in Christ to bring grace, help, and hope in our time of need, God's promises are blood wrought, blood bought and blood backed. God is faithful.
Sun, Aug 10, 2014
Duration:51 mins 52 secs
Do you struggle with your work environment? Do you have harsh or ungrateful employers? How do you live your faith out in the marketplace? The Apostle Paul has very practical and biblical counsel for us all. Work is not just a "j-o-b" it is a ministry. Join Pastor Ben Hiwale for this up close and personal insight into the Christian at work.
Sun, Aug 17, 2014
Duration:46 mins 20 secs
We conclude our study of Ephesians with an exhortation regarding the reality of spiritual warfare and the need to put on the whole armor of God.
Sun, Aug 24, 2014
Duration:47 mins 45 secs
We live in a world that is constantly fighting for our attention and sending messages of what it thinks our priorities should be. When things take the place of God, it becomes and idol. The stand that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego take at the risk of their very lives still speaks volumes to us today.When we stand for what is right, God always gives us the grace to stand, even when we face a fiery furnace of affliction.
The Prison Epistles
Sun, Aug 31, 2014
Duration:46 mins 52 secs
How do we respond to being wronged? Do we seek retribution, restitution, justice? In this passage of scripture a former slave, Onesimus, while on the run for theft from his master, Philemon, runs into the Apostle Paul and comes to faith in Christ. With this personal letter from Paul, we see the gospel of reconciliation and restoration on display. As much as we have been wronged, we have never been wronged as much as we have wronged Christ.
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