Sun, Oct 05, 2014
Duration:39 mins 34 secs
The life of faith is a life of trust and obedience to God. The Christian faith is not some kind of "magic" that makes bad things disappear and good things appear. It is a life of obedience to God's word. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to give us ears to hear and power and grace to obey from hearts of love. That is truly the key to a rock solid life!
Mon, Sep 29, 2014
Duration:43 mins 56 secs
We conclude our series on the 4 fold vision statement
of Koinonia Fellowship with the last point being glorify Christ. Our
vision statement is to Know Christ, Grow in Christ, Proclaim Christ
and bring Him glory. Actually, glorifying Christ is the foundation of
anything and everything that we do as Christians, both inside and
outside of the walls of the church building.
Mon, Sep 22, 2014
Duration:44 mins 46 secs
In part 3 of the Vision Series, Pastor Ray Viola shares on what it means to proclaim Christ. The Great Commission spoken of by Jesus in Mark 16:15 is not a "suggestion," it is a command to go in His Name The most powerful testimony of Jesus Christ is when our walk and our talk give glory and honor to Christ.
Sun, Aug 31, 2014
Duration:46 mins 52 secs
How do we respond to being wronged? Do we seek retribution, restitution, justice? In this passage of scripture a former slave, Onesimus, while on the run for theft from his master, Philemon, runs into the Apostle Paul and comes to faith in Christ. With this personal letter from Paul, we see the gospel of reconciliation and restoration on display. As much as we have been wronged, we have never been wronged as much as we have wronged Christ.
Mon, Jul 21, 2014
Duration:37 mins 10 secs
Today we conclude our two week study on the God-ordained roles in
a Christian marriage. As we now look at the role of the husband, we
see that he is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself for her
Sun, Jul 13, 2014
Duration:41 mins 46 secs
Over the next two weeks, we are going to be looking at the section
of Ephesians that talks about the covenant of marriage. In it we will
find God’s order for the Christian home and His divine description of
the role of the wife and husband within this sacred union.
Wed, Jul 09, 2014
Duration:1 hr 7 mins 4 secs
Have you ever wondered how you as a Christian fit into the "Church?"The Bible describes us as a body which has many members but one body.The many members aren't working as soloist, they work together in a God ordained symphony. With Christ as our new identity, we have been brought into a new family where we live out our faith with "one-another." Living any other way will suck the life, joy, and fullness of God's family design.
Mon, Jul 07, 2014
Duration:1 hr 41 mins 11 secs
The solemn counsel which our Lord addresses to His disciples should often ring in our ears--"Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak." (Mark 14:38)
Wed, Jul 02, 2014
Duration:1 hr 2 mins 27 secs
Whats the "big deal" about the Church? Is it even necessary? Some have even suggested that is is irrelevant in todays modern age of modern man. Who started it? What is it's source of power?What is it's mission? And who are its enemies? This miracle, "the Church" is more relevant than most people think, and more necessary that we as Christians have ever considered.
Mon, Jun 30, 2014
Duration:49 mins 46 secs
Spirit-filling is not evident in careless, thoughtless, structure-less
spontaneity, but in godly wisdom and in orderliness. It is not seen in
those who exalt themselves (even by actions and words which seem
spiritual), but by submitting ourselves to doing that which edifies
and builds up our brothers and sisters in Christ.